
AI based WAS Failure Prediction

It is always the goal to provide uninterrupted service, but the reality is complicated, and there are often problems with various causes.
APION predicts WAS failure, the core of business services, through deep learning. The information collected automatically performs disability overcoming activities based on analysis, prediction, and prediction results as a single solution.

iPredict Configuration Chart

iPredict Agent (Data Collector)

Both Agent and Agentless methods can applicable

Failure Prediction Procedure

Predictive analysis and preventive actions are practiced with a single solution due to collected information.

01. Definition of failure type

Selection and definition of significant types of disabilities through consultation with customer

02. Feature definition by failure type

Adjustment in optimal feature, correlation, and weight suitable for failure prediction based on predefined feature

03. Feature data collection and transformation

Collection of Feature Data based on PION’ patent technology, and conversion of data to Vector for Deep Learning

04. Definition of fault type

Predictive learning by failure types based on collected data

08. Automatic fault prevention

Automatically performs preventive actions for failure according to the events that occur

07. Fault prediction and event management

real-time fault prediction and event generations when expecting failure

06. Validation on D/L Model

Validation on the deep learning model’s performance and accuracy based on real-time data

05. Creation of D/L Model by failure type

Creation of deep learning models per failure type